Savory crêpe cake with Goose Rillettes Arnaud


For the crêpes batter:

  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g flour
  • 50 cl milk
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 50 g butter

 For the filling of our savory crêpe cake:

  • 1 glass jar of Goose Rillettes Arnaud (you can also use any other of our lovely Rillettes recipes: Duck, Rabbit of Pork)
  • Black (or pink) radish cut into fine slices


The first thing to do is to prepare the crêpe batter: In a large mixing bowl, mix together with an electric mixer the eggs, the milk, the melted butter, the flour a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper.

(If the batter is too thick, you can add a bit of water or milk).

Cover the bowl and place it in the fridge for around 2 hours.

Make around 10 or 12 crêpes a large frying pan slightly greased with oil.

Once the crêpes are finished, trim the edges for a cleaner look, if desired, with a round baking tin of around 19 or 20 cm.

To assemble: On the first crêpe, spread a thin layer of Goose Rillettes Arnaud. Place another crêpe and some slices of black radish on top. Repeat until you get to the final layer.

And it is ready to taste!

You can replace the black radish for other ingredients, like thin slices of pickles, cucumber, tomato or even an apple.


Bon appétit!